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Dataistic spoke on GDPR at UEFA AMF regional workshop
The protection of data in sports holds significant importance, particularly in light of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)....

Dataistic adviced international royalty rate database startup Royalty Range
Dataistic advised Royalty Range, an international startup providing professional databases covering private company financials and...

Online seminar on the latest GDPR cases with the deputy head of Lithuanian data protection authority
🔹The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is in its fifth year of application. On the 1st of December, we invite you to our online...

Our proposal on the liberalization of employee background checks made it to the draft law!
We are pleased that our proposal to the Ministry of Justice to review and liberalise the legal regulation of the processing of criminal...

We spoke for ICA Gruppen on clashes between privacy regimes in different regions
We are happy to have had the opportunity to share our knowledge and experience with the international team of data protection and privacy...
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